Sunday, 29 July 2018

Lets Talk - Bad Week

Don't know how, don't know why, don't even know where it came from. But it did, and that was the slump, the blues, the depression the utter and complete loss of wanting to do anything. 
Fear almost; the dark clouds came in Monday morning stayed and got much darker Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday before slowly breaking Friday and thankfully were done by Saturday.

Monday no weigh in and this was planned due to my scheduled Dr appointment Tueday where I knew I'd be weighed so was going to use and record this weight. A nice walkies day outside but my motor just wouldn't start! Took my vitamins, still nothing and to be honest by mid morning I still was in bed. I felt tired, alone and decided to sleep it away. I just felt like a crashed train!

Mistake #1 really. I should have forced myself to get outside and I knew in myself that the clouds were coming but instead of doing what was needed to get out I allowed things to develop. I had many things on my mind mostly to do with the upcoming Lawyers appointment Thursday and knowing what I still needed to sort for the move, but I didn't feel at the time these were a cause of the oncoming clouds.

Tuesday was more of the same Urber eats (Addicted to Pita Pits Beetroot, Mint and Feta salads atm) staying in bed with Netflix shutting the door and closing the outside out anyway I could. Cancelled the Dr appointment - still not rescheduled so yeah Mistake #2 more of the same and started hiding away.

Wednesday, well Wednesday was really a hump day for me. I barely got out of bed only to do teeth and shower. More of the same, almost the thought of tomorrows appointment at Lawyers caused me to panic and try to find excuses to reschedule. Uber Eats and Netflix again keeping me, helping me stay closed off. I could feel myself sinking.....

Thursday came along and I was having to really push myself to get sorted for the appointment I had this day. I needed something, someone! I reached out via email to someone - really the initial email was just to thank them for sending me a pack but I allowed myself to mention the rough time I was having. 
I managed to get myself out and to the Lawyers to sign the documents, all done and dusted then KFC for a food comforter and bakery food also. 
While waiting for Lawyers I managed to get a reply from the earlier email I sent and it was good to get the advice and help and suggestions as to perhaps why I maybe in the slump. Thank you! Home and more Uber Eats and Netflix. 

Friday...Friday started out the same really. I read the email I got and then by 1pm found myself having full access to the house for the weekend and so I was able to action all the helpful advice given to me and within 1 hr I could feel myself relaxing and the clouds breaking. More comfort food delivered and then more! Went to bed more sure of tomorrow.

Saturday well, it was the best day so far and really ended on a high. I woke feeling better knowing and also looking forward to a surprise later that morning that had been arranged for me by a wonderful, awesome gal (If ya reading this Thank You!). The day ended with more Pita Pit ha ha but feeling relaxed and renewed! 

Looking at it today, Sunday night while typing this as I wait for my 4 videos to finish rendering. I feel 80% was down to unconscious stress, worry, and concerns etc about the upcoming move knowing I had the papers to sign Thursday. Then the other 20% was me allowing things to develop and not pushing to get out and walk and be active. I also suspect I am still transitioning towards the new outlook, vision of myself and perhaps not weighing in on Monday allowed the door to open to my old self doubts and worries and from there not walking added to it. 

So this week is going to be crazy! I have 3 days left in Auckland as I am having a final inspection on Thursday of the new place before Settlement on Friday. I am staying in a motel Thursday night so Friday I am only 30-60 mins from where I can pick the keys from. Moving company waiting to get back to me regarding if they can deliver Friday afternoon. Its a mad house and going to be even crazier but I know once I have them keys and get inside MY NEW HOME it will all start falling into place! I have a great feeling of what lays ahead.

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