Wednesday 30 October 2013

Some Mornings...

The last two mornings I have woken tired and needing my dose of caffeine, and I expected to start feelings a bit more energized in the morning by now. Maybe it is the fact I am working out more and my body is still adjusting to the new style? As long as I can remember most mornings I have been a zombie. So maybe I am just not a morning person and never will be, as I have always been more of a night owl.
One thing I have noticed on a positive is I am sleeping better. It's not taking countless hours tossing & turning trying to get to the land of nod anymore. Just last night I remember starting my nightly chat to the boss up stairs and then nxt thing I'm waking up this morning. I must make a note to see if any changes do in fact happen, i guess an earlier night will be a help.

I have started week 2 of C25K this week and today completed day 2. It was a lot less on the feet today and I made the effort to stick mostly to the paved pathways instead of the grass and metal ones. And my decision was for the better as I lasted better and it showed in my times.So going forward this is the way I will set out my course until i have lost more weight but also built up more stamina.
I am really enjoying this program though and feel excited about progressing into the later stages with more confidence in what I can still achieve. Going to get another C25K app as the RunDouble free period expires after week 2, and  to continue on with the rest of the app you need to upgrade, which is a shame as  I can't afford it unless I can pay it from my mobile credit.  I however do highly recommend it and will link it from my page so you can go check it out yourself. Note: All my apps are for Android.

Sorkit. A new app I trialed on Tuesday to help me do some strength training on my non C25K days either before or after my walks. It's a killer! I tried it on overall body for 10 minutes and boy was I puffing like two steam trains. My lungs were screaming.  So I will be putting myself through that again tomorrow, as so far it suit's me as no equipment needed. I will see how this plays out for the rest of the week and if I run into now issues will link it also.

My new eating targets are working well, and it was pointed out to me last night by a trusted MFP friend that my days meals were a bit lite. And yeah, she was correct as I had only put away around about 1300 cals, the thing is I never felt the need to add to it as I felt totally satisfied. Bare in mind this is after exercise cals burned have lowered it down to that total. Still a lower amount than expected.
But I always appreciate advice, suggestions and observations especially from any of my MFP friends as they are all in the same boat and look at things from a different view point and this in my opinion is a great part of MFP. Thanks bec's much appreciated!


  1. Awww thank you! Don't like it when people don't fuel themselves sufficiently. Glad you felt satisfied but please don't make super lite days a regular thimg :-)

    1. Thanks Becs. No I won't make it a regular thing. I have increased my protein to 30% and reduced my carbs to 45% on some good advice received, and am going to see how that goes also.


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