Wednesday, 15 August 2018


Hello, and yes I am back. Where have you been you ask? Well the last week and a half I have been moving from Auckland to a rural community near Taupo call Mangakino. Its about a 3 hr drive so as you can imagine alot of travel has also been involved. If you want to see how it all went feel free to check out my "Moving Vlog" playlist on you Tube right >> HERE <<

So its been a fair bit of upheaval and changes but everything is now settled and on track to start anew my life and the next chapters of it. 

The healthy eating and exercise have really not been happening like they were and thats ok, I mean I haven't gone all offline and had nothing but Pizza or stuff no I have been able to have decent breakfast, lunch and dinner the last week. But during the move etc I admit it was easier to nick into the bakery or drive thru to get a feed and thats what I did at times. 
It was good though once moved in last week to be able to have a breakfast, lunch and dinner cooked in my own place again, how I had missed it.  Still the local chippie got a test for 3 nights until I had managed to go do a grocery shop. 

Tuesday, 31 July 2018

Weigh In Week 4

So a new day and a new week and that means after last weeks mess we jump back onto the scales for Weigh In Monday! 

How did I do, did I regain the previous loss and then some as expected?

Well the results are here in today's > Weight Loss Vlog <so go check it out to see how I did! 

Right so you've been and watched the video now lets talk a little about it shall we?  Tell me below in the comments what you think about the weight gain. Are you surprised it was as much as it was or did you like myself think it would be alot more? 

I am satisfied with the weight in today's weigh in. I knew it wouldn't be a loss but am pleasantly happy that last week didn't totally undo all the previous loss. Like I said its done and dusted now, no looking back and dwelling on it, instead its about moving on in the right direction.

I had a bad week and sooner than I figured but its done now and the main thing here is that you wipe the slate clean and continue onwards. Thats what is good about not just a new week but also another new day. Each day allows you more opportunities to to push on, to learn and grow. 

We are all going to have bad days or even weeks but these aren't the end of the world! YOU have NOT failed! You just hit a speed bump and now that you're wheels are back on the road its time to keep on keeping on! Leave behind yesterdays failures and look towards today's achievements!  

Sunday, 29 July 2018

Lets Talk - Bad Week

Don't know how, don't know why, don't even know where it came from. But it did, and that was the slump, the blues, the depression the utter and complete loss of wanting to do anything. 
Fear almost; the dark clouds came in Monday morning stayed and got much darker Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday before slowly breaking Friday and thankfully were done by Saturday.

Monday no weigh in and this was planned due to my scheduled Dr appointment Tueday where I knew I'd be weighed so was going to use and record this weight. A nice walkies day outside but my motor just wouldn't start! Took my vitamins, still nothing and to be honest by mid morning I still was in bed. I felt tired, alone and decided to sleep it away. I just felt like a crashed train!

Mistake #1 really. I should have forced myself to get outside and I knew in myself that the clouds were coming but instead of doing what was needed to get out I allowed things to develop. I had many things on my mind mostly to do with the upcoming Lawyers appointment Thursday and knowing what I still needed to sort for the move, but I didn't feel at the time these were a cause of the oncoming clouds.

Tuesday was more of the same Urber eats (Addicted to Pita Pits Beetroot, Mint and Feta salads atm) staying in bed with Netflix shutting the door and closing the outside out anyway I could. Cancelled the Dr appointment - still not rescheduled so yeah Mistake #2 more of the same and started hiding away.

Wednesday, well Wednesday was really a hump day for me. I barely got out of bed only to do teeth and shower. More of the same, almost the thought of tomorrows appointment at Lawyers caused me to panic and try to find excuses to reschedule. Uber Eats and Netflix again keeping me, helping me stay closed off. I could feel myself sinking.....

Monday, 23 July 2018

Lets talk about Friday!

So we need to talk. Yep we do, and no messing about here lad. What happened Friday? But what didn't happen Friday? 

Friday's vlog on my You Tube channel can be found here but its what I didn't discuss that I want to talk about here. 

Friday I needed to up the food intake and as mentioned in the vlog its started well and lunch time became a little experiment with noodles and a little thing I touched on also. Hunger!

After the noodles I felt HUNGRY! Feed me hungry, feed me more hungry! Those levels I thought wouldn't return so soon but they did almost as soon as I finished the noodles. Now instead of looking to eat more straight after I drank 2 big classes of water instead - WIN!

Sunday, 15 July 2018

The week that was - Week 1 July 9 - 15

So Monday was weigh in day and that's been documented in the earlier post with video to the weigh in and also a walk ramble.

Tuesday 10th

Basically it went to shit around 11 am when I received the builders report on a house I am in the process of purchasing. The main issue and what drove the rest of the days thoughts was the discovery of Borer. The last thing I wanted to see and from there on the day slowly deteriorated. To know more and also see what I was thinking etc check out the video on my You Tube channel  HERE

In regards to food its also mentioned in the vlog, but you can see below that I was over the daily targets and that's down to the 2 pkts of lollies I consumed

So......Nothing logged Wednesday as that was always the plan due to a special day in the works.
But where is the rest of the week you ask...?